Monday, January 18, 2010

International Network Marketing

International network marketing also known as multi-level marketing, international direct selling or international referral marketing, is a term that means a unique marketing structure that is engineered to form a marketing and sales capability by providing compensation to promoters of company products and services. The most loved part is that promoters are given commissions not only for sales they helped generate but also for the sales made possible by promoters they have referred into the system thus creating a downline of promoters. The downline can be illustrated in pyramidal form to fully showcase the hierarchy of multiple compensation levels. Companies may use such technique as a mere part of their general marketing strategy or as the core of their overall marketing campaign.

An international network marketing company is represented by independent and unsalaried salespeople commonly known as distributors but are also sometimes referred to as associates, independent business owners, dealers, franchise owners, sales consultants, consultants, independent agents, etc. they are not employed by the company the produces or provides the products or services they sell and therefore do not receive any time-based salary. The distributors only receive according to the quantity of products or services they sold by their own means and of course, the sales of their downline network.

International network marketing distributors grow their organization through the establishment of their own loyal and active customer base which is composed of consumers who buy straight from the company. Another way to expand is to recruit an efficient downline of able distributors who are also likely to build their very own customer base. There are also those distributors who buy products from the company at discounted or wholesale price and then they sell them at regular prices. This way, they get to earn commissions while at the same time earning the discount as extra profit.

Compensation Plans

International network marketing distributors receive compensation based on the company’s compensation plan.

1. Unilevel Plan
The unilevel plan is the most basic international network marketing compensation plan. Here a marketer is permitted to sponsor only one line of distributors which is called his frontline. The number of distributors one can include in his frontline is unlimited as to encourage people to recruit as many frontline distributors as they are capable of. The unlimited frontline is because the compensations are usually paid out on a limited depth only. A sponsor can normally receive compensation on sales five to seven levels deep.

2. Stairstep Breakaway Plan
The Stairstep breakaway plan’s distinguishing factor is the fact that t has representatives who are accountable both for personal sales and for group sales volume. Distributor recruitment and product retail is what makes up volume. A group leader will be selected depending on the sales performance with any representative with one or more downline recruits qualified. The group leader is entitled to different discounts and rebated depending on how well he performed. Once predefined personal or group target volume sales are realized a representative will move up to a higher commission level, such activity goes on until the representative’s sales finally reach the top or final commission level and eventually breaks away from his upline. He is then treated as no longer connected to the upline and his compensation end unless he agrees to start all over again. The uiplining continues until all international network marketing members have broken through.

3. Matrix Plan
The matrix plan is similar to the unilevel plan besides the fact that it only allows a limited number of distributors in the first level. Recruits after the limit are automatically places on lower level positions in the downline. Maximum width and depth is common in matrix plans. A new matrix is initiated whenever the current matrix reaches its maximum width and depth. International network marketing matrix representatives earn unlimited commissions on limited volume levels with very minimal sales quotas.

4. Binary Plan
An international network marketing binary plan permits representatives to have two frontline distributors only. Every time a distributor sponsors more that two distributors, the excess are placed below that distributor’s frontline. The primary limitation is that distributors must "balance" their two downline legs to receive commissions. Balancing legs typically requires that the number of sales from one downline leg constitute no more than a specified percentage of the distributor's total sales.

5. Hybrid Plan
Hybrid compensation plans are engineered having elements of two or more kinds of compensation plans.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Internet Marketing Specialist Search Engine Marketing

The world is currently submerged under a grave financial crisis and global economies are at the brink of meltdown. Maintaining one’s lifestyle has never been harder. And to cope with the harsh times more and more people are betting it all on putting up their own home based business that they think will succeed. But most of these new businesses drown in the competition and devoured by the bigger companies. One great idea to avoid getting washed away by the turbulence is engaging in internet marketing. Professional marketing plans engineered by certified expert internet marketing specialists are the best tools a startup business can use for survival. Search engine optimization assistance is one field where specialists can be of great help.

Search Engine Optimization
The primary strength of the internet is that it allows the publisher to conduct global distribution of information at generally nil marginal cost. This has made online opportunities limitless and more and more companies are now exploiting these potentials to help make their businesses grow. And search engine optimization which aims to have a website or webpage rank high in the result pages of major search engines, is the undoubtedly the best way to make your business known in the virtual universe. And the best way to learn SEO is with the help of an internet marketing specialist.

There are over a billion websites listed with search engines and more and more new websites are getting listed each day making the competition very tight and overwhelming. With so many competitors going after the same customer, most businesses, especially startups, find difficulty in getting good positions in the major search engines. Learning SEO and applying its techniques on your own can be advised, but such task can be very grueling and time consuming and you are very prone to making mistakes. Getting the aid of an internet marketing specialist specializing in the field of search engine optimization is still the best option.

Certified internet marketing specialists more specifically referred to as search engine optimization experts are adept at strategically improving your search engine ranking. These experts are masters of the tried and tested effective and ethical SEO techniques that can formulate a fool-proof search engine marketing plan that can result in your website pr webpages gaining more top SURP placements than any other plan you could have possibly formulated using other means.

Latest research proves that almost 70% of website traffic is derived from search engines thus making the search engines the best place to start your internet marketing campaign. The major problem however, is that most people only view up to the first three search engine results pages thus making those ranked in the 4th to the latter pages get almost no traffic from the search engines. These is the problem because the less the traffic, the less earnings for the business while the more the traffic, the higher the returns. SEO internet marketing specialists will definitely help you utilize search engines to gain new customers and keep the old ones hooked.

You better be careful in searching for the right internet marketing specialists to partner with because many claim to be experts but only a few know what they are actually doing. The most common mode of operations of such fraudulent claim-to-be-specialists is offering to rewrite the client websites meta-tags and then manually resubmitting it to over thousands of directories and search engines. They claim that this process that they are making available for you at only $35.95 or o will ensure a Top Ten ranking in Google or other major search engines.

The truth is meta-tags have already become a thing of the past. In fact, Google gives almost no attention to them anymore, and so will the other search engines in the very near future. Google is the current king of kings of all search engines and the other search engines are sure to follow Google’s footsteps. The greatest threat of tying up with a fake internet marketing specialist is that they can bring your site down instead of improving its performance. Google ban’s websites listed on farm-link exchange sites. These free-for-all link exchange sites are where fraudulent specialists will submit your site. They may even be using banned-by-Google auto-submitter tools. Google does these to urge people to refrain from using keyword stuffed meta tags and focus on the real element that drives search engine positioning, the content.

Content is king. No website element is more important than content. A real internet marketing specialist will undoubtedly offer rewriting of your content or writing of new content for your website. He will make your content appealing and useful for internet users while at the same time being attractive to search engine spiders.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Professional Salesman International

With the current financial crisis plaguing the economies of the world people have been very desperate in finding a stable and reliable source of income. And with mass worker layoffs everywhere people nowadays prefer having their own business than being employed which has fueled yet another great boom in the home-based business industry. But home businesses, just like all other businesses, need sales to survive and succeed, because SALES is the lifeblood of any enterprise. The reason why many home-based businesses fail is the fact that not everyone is a salesman. The race therefore is on towards becoming an professional salesman international.

Professional salesman international is an expert at utilizing the Worldwide Web most especially social media to generate large amounts of sales and bring steady growth to his home based business. The virtual universe is a much more convenient tool for marketing and promotions that real world tools because of its global reach and the speed and ease at which campaigns can be carried out.

A person of professional salesman international caliber utilizes social media as the main weapon of his arsenal. Social media is the latest and most revolutionary form of media that is engineered to be spread and communicated via social interactions made possible through publishing techniques having advance accessibility and scalability. Social media aims to evolve broadcast media monologues (one sender to many receivers) into social media dialogues (many senders to many receivers) with the help of the Internet and other web-based technologies and capabilities. The end goal of social media is to ultimately transform people from being merely content consumers into becoming content producers thus bringing the dream knowledge and information democratization into reality. Social media can also be described as a collection of Internet-based applications that create on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that permit the generation and exchange of user-created content. Businessmen also call social media as consumer-generated media and user-generated content. Social media utilization is believed to be a driving factor in the idea that the current period in time will be defined as the Attention Age. A professional salesman international is a master of social media and will definitely have what it takes to be a business leader in the coming of the Attention Age.